Before you begin to record read the story once, this will prevent any fumbles/interruption when you record.

Have enough battery and space on your phone/devices and Do a test recording before you start

Read Slow and in a controlled pace. In case of mistakes, take a pause and read the sentence again. Keep yourself hydrated

Use popular formats such as mp3 / wav only

Before starting to record, put your phone on airplane mode to avoid interferences like ringtones of calls, notifications, messages, etc

Use any software/recorder available in your phone or check the process page. Make sure there is no background noise

Upload the files via the link provided on the Task page

Do not use any high profile equipment to record the audio. Your laptop/mobile phone is enough for this

Do not use any stories, textbooks which are copyrighted and not available in the public domain

Don’t upload the audio files/books on any public site/google drive/WhatsApp etc. Only use the right mechanism provided in the task details for the same.

Don’t record/narrate stories which can harm sentiments, are biased with political opinions or are against any race, religion or culture

Don’t panic/skip any part or change things while recording

Don’t read at a low pitch as it won’t be audible through headphones

Don’t use any unnecessary voice modulators or regulators
If you still have any doubts or queries, please feel free to reach out to us at csr@glenmarkpharma.com