Your Dedication Shines Globally!

Together, We Made a Difference!

Our Impact@45 campaign, celebrating Glenmark’s 45th anniversary, saw employees from 20+ countries contributing over 45,000 volunteer hours. Collaborating with 45 NGOs and planting 4,500 trees, your dedication made this ambitious 450-day journey a remarkable success. Thank you for your incredible efforts and let's continue this legacy of giving together!

About the Initiative

Record audio books for visually impaired children

Utilize your spare time to volunteer and record audio books, stories, fables and text books for visually challenged children. By simply volunteering a few hours from home you can contribute to a repository that will be used for years to come

Lets bring stories to life for Visually challenged children


For every Audio Story created by you

We will multiply the Impact for every single audio story generated

Glenmark Foundation will provide meals to a  family of 5 for one month on your behalf. These are families that lack the resources to buy the most basic essentials in these difficult times of COVID-19.

Meals till date

Glenmark will sponsor meals for a family

Your Voice Changed Lives!

Our previous initiative to record audio books for the visually impaired was a tremendous success, thanks to your dedication. Volunteers from all departments created a wealth of accessible literature, profoundly impacting countless lives. Join us again and help continue this incredible legacy of giving back!



From childhood, we have always been inspired and influenced by the stories and their larger-than-life characters. Stories are more than just entertainment, as kids we were moved by the actions of the protagonist and derived moral learnings of life from them.

During this Joy of Giving festival we invite you to share stories that have inspired you. These can be regional stories from your village, famous stories like Panchatantra or fables or it can be something that you have penned down. Just keep the target audience in mind and share something inspirational which is free from any copyright

Volunteer from Home & Create Impact


Expand the Reach

All the audiobooks created via this initiative along with audio stories will be shared with non-profits across the world to help visually impaired children learn from impactful stories. In case if you know any non-profit or school for the visually impaired, please reach out to us to increase the impact of the initiative.

Nominate Non profits and Schools

Spreading the Glenmark Cheer Globally